My major fields of teaching interest are comparative politics, international relations, and the political economy of development, broadly conceived. I have taught or served as a teaching assistant on a range of courses in comparative politics, African politics, public policy, international political economy, democratization, and international relations. I have taught at Makerere University as a part-time lecturer (in the departments of Philosophy and development studies), at Northwestern University as a Teaching Assistant and as a Lecturer, as a guest lecturer at Institute of African Studies at the University of Ghana, Legon, and currently at North Carolina State University. 



International Political Economy (graduate seminar)

Introduction to the African Diaspora

Politics of Global Inequality (senior writing seminar/graduate seminar)



- Contemporary African Politics (graduate seminar)

- Introduction to the African Diaspora

- Politics of the World Economy 



- Introduction to the African Diaspora

- Politics of Global Inequality 

- Contemporary African Politics (graduate seminar)



- Introduction to Comparative Politics

- Introduction to the African Diaspora 

- Politics of the World Economy 



- Introduction to Comparative Politics

- Introduction to the African Diaspora

- Contemporary African Politics (graduate seminar)



- Introduction to International Relations

- Introduction to the African Diaspora

- Contemporary African Politics (graduate seminar)


- African politics.

- The African Diaspora and Liberation Struggles

- Introduction to International Relations.
- The Unequal Global Political Economy.


Introduction to Comparative Politics

International Political Economy (TA)


1. Introduction to Comparative Politics 

2. Politics of Africa (TA)


1. Introduction to International Relations

2. Introduction to Law in the Political Arena (TA)